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Record: Peste patru milioane de iPhone-uri 4S vândute în trei zile

Apple a lansat noul iPhone 4S - VEZI PRIMELE IMAGINI

Evenimentul tehnologic al săptămânii, lansarea noului gadget Apple a monopolizat blogurile şi...»

Geniul care a creat iPhone, iPad şi iPod, omagiat în toate colţurile lumii

A revoluţionat o lume întreagă cu ideile şi creaţiile sale , acum o lume întreagă deplânge...»

Noul iPhone 4S, lansat de Apple în SUA, a fost prezentat astăzi şi în Japonia

Noul iPhone 4S prezentat de Apple pe 4 octombrie în Statele Unite a fost lansat astăzi şi în...»
Vânzările noului smartphone iPhone 4S au depăşit patru milioane de unităţi, timp de trei zile.
"Acesta este cel mai mare succes din istoria telefoanelor mobile, dar şi cel mai bun succes înregistrat până acum", a declarat prim-vicepreşedintele Apple responsabil de marketing, Philip Schiller.
În Statele Unite, un iPhone 4S cu 16 GB memorie internă este evaluat la 199 dolari, în timp ce un aparat cu 32 GB - 299 de dolari. Totodată, un iPhone 4S cu o memorie de 64 GB costă 399 dolari, la încheierea unui contract cu un operator timp de doi ani.
Anterior, în prima zi de lansare a modelului iPhone 4S,Apple a înregistrat un record de peste un milion de comenzi. Până la modelul iPhone 4S, cel mai popular telefon au fost iPhone 4.
Însă, proprietarii noilor iPhone–uri 4S se confruntă deja cu probleme. În Germania, utilizatorii smartphon-ului au întâmpinat probleme la trimiterea SMS-urilor şi în privinţa calităţii legăturilor telefonice. Operatorii germani de telefonie mobilă T-Mobile au declarat că eşecurile nu sunt legate de problemele de reţea şi au solicitat explicaţii de la Apple.
Noul dispozitiv iPhone 4S a fost lansat pe 4 octombrie. La exterior, smartphone-ul nu diferă de modelul precedent iPhone 4, dar caietul de sarcini este mult mai îmbunătăţit. iPhone 4S poate funcţiona simultan în ambele standarde de telecomunicaţii - GSM şi CDMA. Modelul are un dublu procesor core A5, care permite capacităţi de şapte ori mai rapide comparativ cu grafica iPhone 4. Viteze maximă de descărcare iPhone 4S este de 14,4 Mbit/s. Noul smartphone dispune de o camera de 8 megapixeli cu înregistrare video full HD.
Începând cu 28 octombrie, iPhone 4S va putea fi cumpărat în 22 de tari.


Sudan Drought Breeds Violence

The three-year drought in East Africa has plunged 17 million people into famine and further fanned the flames of sectional violence, reports Eliza Griswold.

To talk about war in Africa—in Sudan and Somalia, to name two countries now battling a horrendous drought—means talking about the weather.

Last week, the United Nations declared that the drought striking much of Africa’s Horn, the knobby spit of land off the continent’s east coast, is the worst on record for the past 60 years. The seasonal rains have failed for at least the third year in a row, and there’s no chance that things will get better until at least 2012.
At least 17 million people are facing famine; one out of four children is currently battling starvation. It’s tough to say, but it’s true that this never-ending litany of African catastrophes makes it difficult for us to pay attention.
So, beyond the faces of starving children, beyond statistics so mind-boggling they leave most of us feeling overwhelmed and defeated, let’s consider the science that binds drought to conflict.

Farah Abdi Warsameh / AP Photos

It’s no accident these battlegrounds lie where they do: both Sudan and Somalia lie within a zone of extreme weather—where the dry air of the northern hemisphere collides with the wetter air of the south.
This zone, which moves north or south of the equator, depending on the season, is called the inter-tropical convergence zone—some scientists call the ITCZ, the “itch” for short. Inside the itch, extreme weather—both flooding and drought—seem to be intensifying. Most scientists believe this is one effect of climate change.
A collision over land—really over grass for food and drinking water—becomes a collision over religion and identity.
No question, weather is one cause of war. As the earth grows warmer, and rains are no longer dependable, farmers no longer know when to plant their crops. Centuries-old cycles are changing, and no one knows how to predict them. As a result, crops fail and that causes famine.
This worsening weather affects herders, too. People who keep cows depend on stable cycles of rain and drought to feed and water their cattle. When the rains fail in the north, they have to push farther south into wetter land that’s already settled by farmers. Here’s one way that religion comes into this cycle: The northern herders, who are nomads, are frequently Muslims, thanks to centuries of travel along trading routes. Across much of inland Africa, as they move south, they run into farmers who are largely Christians or follow traditional religions.
Bam! A collision over land—really over grass for food and drinking water—becomes a collision over religion and identity.
We see this now in Sudan. One little known fact about Sudan, is that it’s not just changing weather that has push nomads farther south. In the north, President Bashir’s government has leased out large plots of land so that nomads can’t travel over their old routes. (Until some years ago, the late Osama bin Laden was one of these large landholders.)
Right now, in Sudan, there’s a chance that things could change. This week, Southern Sudan, New Sudan, declares its independence and becomes the world’s newest country. This is great news, but it comes at a price.


Northern forces are currently waging an all too familiar bombing campaign in the Nuba Mountains—against Nuba’s Muslims and Christians alike. President Bashir, who, like Ahmed Haroun, the local governor there, has been indicted for crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court, has launched a scorched earth campaign against the Nuba people in order to wipe any resistance to his rule off the face of the earth.
Here are the same patterns of two kinds of identities smashing up against each other, thanks to centuries of migration driven by geography and weather.
Africa’s extreme weather patterns affect America, too. Those storms kicked up in the collision zone around the equator spin westward off the coast of Cape Verde. They spin over the Atlantic Ocean, where the worst of them gather speed.
These African storms become our East Coast hurricanes. The same weather patterns that bind parts of Africa to drought and conflict drive our worsening weather as well.
Come August, when these storms start to strike the United States, Africa’s wars will hit closer to home.

Mounted Police vs Protesters - Demonstrators Attack Police Barricades in Time Square - (10/15/2011)
 Part of channel(s): Occupy Wall Street (current event)

The Occupy Wall Street protest spread to Times Square this footage was recorded last night at 6:25 PM.

The police come in on horses as barricades fall. Some protesters try
to help the police restore the barricades to protect the crowds from the horses. One cop strikes at protestors who are clearly causing disruption and inciting violence.

What ever happened to peaceful protests? I'm disgusted and embarrassed this is going on in my country,this is not how Americans should stage a protest.

Complete Video (Duration 7:31)

Subscribe for combat vids & current events,thanks and enjoy.
Is It Ethical To Alter Someone's DNA?

UPDATED: Child gets run over and dies in hospital - people ignore her.
A two-year-old toddler was run over by two vans and mortally wounded,
after which 18 people passed her indifferently in south China's
Guangdong Province.

Thanks to the 19th passer-by, a woman
garbage collector who came to her aid about seven minutes after the
first hit, the girl didn't die immediately in last Thursday's incident.
But doctors said the girl died yesterday from severe brain injuries she
had suffered in the accident.

Police have detained both drivers.

the surveillance video of the incident was put online yesterday, many
netizens condemned the 18 passers-by who could have helped the girl
avoid the second accident. The case was the latest to bring home the
question of whether people today are too cold-blooded to help, or
whether it's smart to stay away from an accident to avoid the chance of
being accused of responsibility by the victim.

The girl,
identified by her parents as Yueyue, was knocked down by a van about
5:30pm last Thursday, when walking alone in a hardware wholesaling
market in the city of Foshan. The car driver stopped for a while after
the front wheel rolled over the girl. But he sped away soon and the rear
wheel crushed her again.

A witness walked around the girl lying
on the narrow street without stopping, the surveillance camera showed.
Then a biker and a pedestrian passed her but ignored the girl struggling
in a pool of blood.

A second van driver, who didn't see the
girl, crushed her again and fled the scene. After the second hit,
Yueyue became motionless.

Over the ensuing five minutes, 15 people passed her and each of them just took a look. None stopped to lend a hand.

finally, about seven minutes after the girl was hit by the first van,
the trash collector came to her aid. She rushed to help her sit up but
Yueyue was paralyzed. So the woman moved her from the middle of the
street to the side. She yelled for help and Yueyue's mother came and
held her daughter in her arms.

Yueyue was rushed to the
General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Command, where she remained in
the intensive care unit until she died yesterday afternoon.

"She couldn't breathe on her own," said Wen Qiang, deputy director of the ICU department.

incident is the latest example of passers-by acting indifferently to
victims injured in crimes. In this case, some blamed the parents for
letting the girl walk on the street alone. More criticized the
phenomenon of people passing by without helping, caused at least in part
by previous extortion attempts from the injured and their families who
have sometimes tried to blame the person helping.
Is It Ethical To Alter Someone's DNA?

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